Coquet Trust’s Call to Action during Safeguarding Adults Week 2023
As Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 draws near, Coquet Trust extends a resounding call to action. Our unwavering dedication to safeguarding, combined with our strong emphasis on well-being, highlights the paramount significance of this year’s theme: “Safeguarding Yourself and Others.” Within this article, we aim to underscore the importance of this theme and offers concrete resources and captivating visuals to foster change and promote well-being.

Why Safeguarding Matters
Ensuring the welfare of vulnerable adults is not an abstract concept; it revolves around defending the dignity, rights, and overall welfare of individuals within our community. The consequences of abuse, neglect, and harm are profound and enduring for those who experience them. Safeguarding is a duty we all share, demanding commitment and involvement from every sector.
The Significance of Well-Being
Safeguarding and well-being are closely intertwined concepts that play a critical role in ensuring the safety, security, and overall quality of life for individuals and communities. Safeguarding involves a set of proactive measures and protective actions designed to prevent harm, abuse, neglect, and ensure the welfare of vulnerable individuals, particularly children, the elderly, and those with vulnerabilities and additional needs.
By effectively safeguarding individuals, their well-being is prioritised and upheld. This means that when individuals are protected from harm and abuse, they are more likely to experience good physical and mental health, build and maintain healthy relationships, feel a sense of belonging and security, and have the opportunity to thrive and contribute positively to society.
In essence, safeguarding serves as a foundation for well-being, as it creates an environment where individuals can flourish, and communities can prosper without the burden of fear, harm, or neglect, thus promoting a higher overall quality of life.
1. What’s My Role in Safeguarding Adults?
· Read ‘What is my role in safeguarding adults?’ blog.
· Watch this short video to increase your understanding about the term safeguarding adults.
· Attend seminar on Monday 20 November to hear how organisations understand their role in safeguarding.
· Watch the video about the role of safeguarding adults in sport and activity.
2. Let’s Start Talking – Taking The Lead on Safeguarding in Your Organisation
· Take a look at this conversation starters to help you introduce a discussion about safer cultures in your organisation.
· Join online campaign groups such as #SaferCultureSaferSport campaign.
· Attend free seminar ‘Let’s Start Talking – Taking The Lead on Safer Cultures in Your Organisation’
3. Who Cares For Those Who Care? Secondary and Vicarious Trauma
· Learn more about what vicarious and secondary trauma is using the BMA’s guide.
· Take a look at Mind’s guide aimed to support those working in the media sector.
· Read this guide about taking care of your wellbeing when working remotely.
· Attend this event ‘Who’s looking after the people looking after the people?’ on Monday 20 November.
4. Adopting a Trauma Informed approach to Safeguarding Adults
· The Scottish Government have produced a toolkit to support practitioners to adopt a trauma-informed approach.
· Young Minds have developed a toolkit for practitioners working with young people to address trauma.
· One Small Thing are speaking at our conference and have developed a trauma informed network for practitioners.
5. Listen, Learn, Lead – Co-Production with Experts by Experience
· Read different article, papers and blogs about safeguarding adults and co-production.
· The Social Care Institute for Excellence have a wealth of webinars, blogs and resources to support practitioners with developing best practice in co-production.
Real Life Story
Take a moment to read this case study, which showcases the transformative power of safeguarding and well-being:
Case Study
A young man, who confronted significant hurdles stemming from learning disabilities and grappled with the grip of alcohol addiction, turned to Coquet Trust for a lifeline. The collaborative efforts of Coquet Trust, alongside compassionate professionals, initiated a heartfelt journey with him, dedicated to fostering his safeguarding and overall well-being. With a deep understanding of the profound impact of his addiction, a customised rehabilitation and relapse prevention plan was meticulously crafted through an initial assessment, setting the foundation for his recovery.
Over time, as he walked this arduous path, he was enveloped by unwavering and nurturing support. Through this commitment, he gradually reasserted control over his life, honing essential coping strategies and life skills uniquely tailored to his specific needs. While his achievements may manifest differently from those without learning disabilities, his remarkable progress was witnessed in improved physical health and, most significantly, a diminishing reliance on substances. His journey stands as a poignant testament to the profound power of safeguarding and well-being, a source of inspiration and hope for those who find themselves navigating similar tribulations.
As Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 approaches, the time for action is now. Safeguarding and well-being go hand in hand, creating a foundation for a brighter future. Utilise the resources provided by Coquet Trust to assess and improve your well-being, support local initiatives, and equip yourself with the knowledge to make a difference. Together, we can protect and empower individuals, ensuring they have the opportunity to live their lives filled with dignity, respect, and well-being.
Join Coquet Trust and countless others in championing this noble cause. Together, we can create a world where safeguarding is not just a duty but a shared commitment to the well-being of all. Share this article, spread awareness, and take action. Let’s make Safeguarding Adults Week 2023 a turning point in our community’s journey toward well-being and safeguarding excellence.

Additional Resources
· North Tyneside SAFE WEEK Event List
· Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board schedule of events for Safeguarding Adults Week: