What We Do
Short Breaks
Short Breaks (previously called respite) allow people an opportunity to have fun, share experiences and learn new skills in you want to and Everyone needs a bit of ‘me time’ occasionally. At Coquet Trust we provide short breaks for people to enable people to have an opportunity to make new friends, and partake in activities that could include cooking, swimming, fishing, playing games, or if people would prefer to go out for a meal or a drink we will support you to do that too.
We can provide this support in your own home to enable family members to go on holiday, have a mini break or just one night away with the peace of mind you are being supported well while they are away or we can support you to go on your own holiday with support workers who are experienced and skilled in working with people with a learning disability.
We will;
- Support you with Personal Care
- Encourage and support you to partake in your chosen social activities – cinema, theatre ,sports and hobbies and going out for meals
- Enable you to attend College courses if you want to learn a new skill
- Maintain contact with friends during your short break
- Work with you so you can experience new things if you want to

Read A Short Break Story
Coquet Trust have been in my life for well over 15 years. I am supported everyday by staff who work for Coquet Trust. I want to tell you about my experience with the Short Breaks with Coquet Trust support workers. I have been on a few, so I should know.
Here is a little bit about me first. I live on my own. I like being at home, but I do love a good holiday. Along with my brother, the staff have helped me plan and prepare for my holiday. With support, I have been able to go to places like the Norwegian Fjords and bus tours around Scotland.
Like everyone, I need to make sure I can afford to pay for my support. Coquet Trust sent a quote to me so I know how much my Short Break support would cost. When the holiday got closer, the Outreach Manager met with me to make sure my support plan and risk assessments were all up to date. We checked all the paperwork was in place so both my worker and I could go away safely.
We had an amazing time, visiting places I had never been before (and some I had), speaking to people I had never met before. This was a brilliant way to feel confident about new situations. We went for walks, we ate out in restaurants and dressed up so smart (like James Bond) to party onboard the ship. This really made me feel good.
The short break away from home helped me recharge my batteries. It was something to look forward to, something new to talk to people about and I had such a great time showing everyone my photographs.